EOS by Utility™ continues to revolutionize digital evidence management with cutting-edge police body camera technology, evolving beyond the competition. Our EOS solution is expaning our police body worn cameras to now includes the EXO S-1 Series – offering unparalleled flexibility, durability, and intelligence for modern policing needs.
Utility’s EOS body cameras are designed to meet the real-world demands of law enforcement. Whether securely embedded into the uniform for a seamless look or easily accessible with a clip-on design, the EOS suite, including the new EXO S-1 series, delivers policy-based, high-speed capture, instant transparency, and secure intelligence when time and truth matter most.
With enhanced user interfaces, unified media, integrated messaging, and advanced audio features, EOS offers more than just recording – it’s a complete digital evidence solution. Robust, reliable, and built to endure the toughest conditions, EOS ensures your team is equipped for any situation.
Equally robust and reliable, regardless of mounting type, Both camera styles have been designed to withstand challenging conditions and maintain performance.
EOS Fusion:
Integrated Camera Mount
Seamless design and stability.
Patented uniform integration provides a
streamlined, low-profile solution –
ideal for environments where
minimal gear interference is
External Camera Mount
Versatile for tactical scenarios where quick attachment and repositioning are needed.
Flexible in placement can provide different perspectives – suitable for situations to accommodate changes camera angles or
EOS Fusion
Unique characteristics
- More discreet appearance
- Low-profile and sleek
- Convenient interactive controller
- Flexible media access including full-screen user interface on the device
- Flexible charging and battery options to ensure full shift coverage
Use cases
Unique characteristics
- Ease of attachment and removal
- Quick adaptability in different situations
- At-a-glance device status
- Flexible media access
- Hot swappable battery to ensure full shift coverage
Use Cases
EOS بواسطة ميزات الأداة المساعدة™
EOS Body Cameras Empower Safety Officers
Advancing Body Camera Technology: Exploring the Latest Innovations in EOS by Utility™
Boone & Elkhart Sheriffs Revolutionize Corrections Safety with Utility Tech
6 Key Insights for Corrections Leaders in 2024
Revolutionizing Corrections: The Impact of Public Safety Tech on Safety and Liability
Body Cameras in Corrections? Get Ready for Game-Changing Benefits
Building Community Trust: Perspectives from Black Law Enforcement Leaders
Increasing capability and improving efficiency in Corrections through Utility’s Universe of Solutions
Police Body Cameras and Trust: The Case for Transparency
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