John Joseph

John Joseph

Director comercial



Who I am, where I’m from and my Sales Region:
My name is John Joseph, and I live in Ada County, in Boise, Idaho.

What ties me to my region:
I've lived in the Northwest my whole life, and I always love that area of the country and tried to convince my wife to move there for ten years.

A bit about myself:
I've been in the sales and public safety industry for about the last ten years. But, you know, I've always been attracted to working with public safety space in my career, and it just was one of those things that really drew me is a niche industry that needed the support of professional salespeople like myself.

Why should agencies choose Utility, Inc.
I believe that agencies should choose working with utility because of their innovation. The things that they bring to the table. This is a company that's really built around changing the way that we do business in the public safety space and the way we manage evidence and just q incredibly resourceful company.

What inspired me to select a path working in the public safety sector
You know, I think the thing that really drove me was that I had worked in the private sector for many years with very large Fortune 500 companies. And what I found was it was very unsatisfying. I would help billion-dollar companies make another million dollars. When I had the opportunity to step back and really think about what I enjoyed the most was when I was early in my career and I worked in state local government, and that was what really drove me towards the work I did there. And the work I did specifically with public safety was what drew me back here.

What does Transformative Transparency mean to me:
Transformative transparency to me means clear, concise sharing of information in a way that is accessible to everyone throughout an organization or even within the community. I think it's vitally important to the way that we do our business, and that's really driven by our technology.

What motivates me to get up each morning:
I think what motivates me to get up each morning is my wife, my kids and my responsibility to the community I serve. I've lived and worked in every single one of the states that I cover currently, and it's really important to me that I help them kind of move them forward with technology and help them with public safety.

Why should you trust Utility:
I think the most important thing about the way that we do business is the investment we make in our customers. Literally from the seamstresses that are working on Sewing the the cameras in place, to the people who are working with, you know, they're doing your installs. They all really care about what they're doing for the customers.

The biggest lesson learned I’d like to share with Public Safety Leaders:
I think the biggest lesson learned that I'd like to share with leaders is the concept that if you are currently today managing your data for your digital evidence management systems internally and you're required to utilize existing hardware that's being maintained by your own people in your back room, you are at risk. You may not necessarily realize that you're at risk today, but you are a very strong potential victim in the future for any number of cyber-crimes committed against you.

How I like my coffee:
I prefer coffee with lots of coffee. You know, I'm usually lucky to have a little bit of cream and some Splenda in my coffee and favorite brand. But it really comes back to every state you cover, right? If I'm in Alaska, I love a lot of brothers Coffee. If I'm in Idaho, going to the flying in, I find me in Washington some dancing goat. There are all kinds of good coffee out there, and it doesn't have to be the stuff you normally would find.

My favorite doughnut:
What's my favorite done? My favorite donut would be an apple fritter.

What three items would I bring with me on a deserted island:
I think the first thing I would bring with me is my old iPod. I love all my music and all my stuff that I've got on there. I also love to have a fishing pole and my hunting knife.

Something you’d be surprised to know about me:

I don't think most people know this about me, but I was actually a licensed guide in Alaska and my folks have a bed and breakfast up there, so I was a guide on the Kenai River.

My favorite sports team:
The Buffalo Bills.

What I like to do for fun in my spare time:
You know, I love to go fishing and hunting. It's one of my absolute passions in the world, but I'm also a woodworker at home.

What else you should know about me:
John Joseph is the Northwest Business Manager for Utility Inc., and he comes from a distinct Sales and Partnership Management background in the GIS and Public Safety industries.

I have over 20 years of software and technology sales experience and an extensive network of Regional and Industry contacts throughout the Northwest, and has played a strategic role in the advancement of technology-based companies in the Pacific Northwest.

I’m well versed in Public Safety communication for 911 including NG9-1-1 Core Services and SaaS based technology for data management. I’m a former Emergency Number Professional (ENP) with NENA and he’s served two terms as the Commercial Advisory Member on the Idaho APCO/NENA Board.

I have a passion for the Public Safety Industry and he has dedicated his career to supporting our first responder community.

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